You see, this is my general problem with us humans; we're less interested in preserving the environment than we are in preserving the status quo. The honest to God truth is, the environment will do fine without us. It can rebuild, readjust, and recover from just about anything we humans can throw at it. It might look a little different, it might be less hospitable to us, and perhaps to other species, but it will go on.
As a testament to the tenacity and resilience of nature, consider the accompanying pictures, taken by my children during a canoe ride on Tilden Lake.
The first
photo shows the rocky terrain of the area we visit. Tilden Lake is located in mid-Ontario province, where there is precious little soil. Highways have to be blasted through the landscape (a true wonder of human tanacity and ingenuity - really, I don't totally disdain my own kind). You can see in this first picture that the trees literally cling to the sides on the rocks, their roots reaching deep into the rock, and breaking it up to create their own 'environment' for life. It is truly amazing to see where things grow in this beautiful wilderness.
The second photo shows another strategy: rebuilding on the skeleton of the past. Here a dead,
So, admit it you measley human beings, what you're really interested in is preserving YOUR EXISTING ENVIRONMENT, not in preserving the environment itself. I mean, let's be honest with ourselves here, who doesn't believe that nature will come up with another species to take our place if we screw this up?
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